Post treatment Precautions: Invisalign Treatment
Invisalign is a discreet solution to correct the misaligned teeth. Depending on the complexity of the teeth structure, you may have to dedicate 6 to 9 months of your life to the clear aligners. If you are planning to get Invisalign in Upper East Side you must be worrying about the do’s and the don’ts of the teeth straightening procedure. Let’s discuss during the treatment and post treatment precautions of Invisalign.
Besides water, you need to remove the aligners to eat or drink anything.
Not even chewing gums are allowed, they can damage the aligners.
Thoroughly clean your teeth and maintain good oral hygiene during the wear-time.
Regular dental check-up and cleanings are important during the treatment course.
Precautions to be taken: After the treatment is completed
Once you complete the course of the treatment, you are asked to wear retainers to avoid getting the teeth shifted in their old positions. This means, there are certain precautions that you need to keep in mind after the treatment is completed.
Avoid eating with retainers in your mouth
Hot beverages are not favourable with retainers on
Clean the retainers once a day.
Brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.
Regular dental check-ups are still required to maintain the status of the newly shifted teeth.
Bottom line
Invisalign is a great technique to rectify your oral concerns in a discreet way. With a little effort and maintenance, you get the best possible results. If looking for an efficient and reliable professional, consider booking an initial consultation with The Orthodontist & Co, they have gained strong repute for Invisalign in Manhattan.
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