The 4 Tips to Make Your Invisalign Treatment Easier

Do you need straight teeth without braces? Then, Invisalign is a good pick. These clear plastic aligners can fix your grin without anyone noticing. They are easier to handle than Upper East Side braces treatment . However, you still need to take great care of them. Here are some easy tips to make your treatment go easier. [1] Make It Part of Your Daily Life Keep your aligners and cleaning supplies with you constantly. Pack a small bag with a toothbrush, paste, and case. Clean both your teeth and aligners in the morning and night. [2] Keep Track of Time You must wear your Invisalign in Long Island City for at least twenty hours daily. Only take them out when you eat or drink hot drinks. You can use your phone to remind you to put them back in. The more you wear them, the faster your teeth will move. [3] Maintain Them Clean Always rinse your Invisalign in Long Island City when you take them out. Clean them twice a day, but don't use toothpa...