Is Invisalign for children a good idea?

Invisalign in Upper East Side has emerged as a preferred treatment option to straighten crooked teeth. Its popularity keeps growing worldwide. It can also be used to straighten teeth for cosmetic reasons. Dental professionals claim that Invisalign is a safe and effective way of straightening crooked teeth. Is Invisalign good for kids? However, some parents and children are looking up the age recommendation for Invisalign to ensure it poses no risk or harm to their child's developing permanent teeth. The general consensus is that Invisalign does not pose too high of a risk as long as it's done early enough in life, like when the child is 8-10 years old or above. However, some Dental professionals and orthodontists tend to tell parents to wait for their children's permanent teeth to grow in before considering treatment options like Invisalign in Manhattan. They do this because the adult dentition is what will ultimately hold the retainer that holds the teeth in place. Invisa...